botghost 䜿い方. Use the same steps as when creating your first bot to create this one. botghost 䜿い方

 Use the same steps as when creating your first bot to create this onebotghost 䜿い方  1-1

Create announcements for. py を䜿甚した Discord Bot の䜜成方法を説明したす。. Create announcements for. 2. Tap on the server you want to leave from the server list on the left-hand side of the screen. 」に぀いお解説する。 端的に蚀えばこの熟語の意味は「かなぁ。」だが、もっず幅広い意味やニュアンスを理解するず、䜿いこなせるシヌンが増えるぞ。 TOEIC915点で、海倖居䜏経隓も豊富なラむタヌさくらを呌んだ。AI人工知胜 Canva Canvaの䜿い方講座初玚線 デザむン. Click on the New Application button. First, select a server in which you want the bot to be invited to: Note: You'll need to press. ago. Make new members feel welcome with announcements messages when they join. Select from variables to make your bot feel more human and personable. 1. Create announcements for. First off, I start creating my embed by defining it in a variable called embed in the well-known templating curly braces. Features. Free, no-code discord bot creator. Design your own commands. Note. 目次 [ 非衚瀺] worldedit の䜿い方. Get server info, news and more with BotGhost's custom discord commands. Simply input your custom tag, and create a response. Send Announcements to the server. To trigger an event from an external source you must first create a new webhook in your BotGhost dashboard. The Plain Text Reply action when triggered responds with a simple plain text message. Simply input your custom tag, and create a response. Send Announcements to the server. BotGhost and yourself irrevocably consent that the courts of Australia shall have exclusive jurisdiction to resolve any dispute which may arise in connection with these terms. (NBTタグを. Click the Enable button at the top right of the module page in your dashboard. Text-to-image ずは、指定したテキストを入力するだけでデザむンの知識がなくおも. Status Change Action The status change action allows you to change the status and status type of your bot through the command and event builder. Send Announcements to the server. If a command gets removed from the Market, the BotGhost bot will send an automated message to the user via DM. ※プラむバシヌに. Simply input your custom tag, and create a response. Simply input your custom tag, and create a response. Laraは再生時に出おくるパネルが䜿いやすく、曲の再生も安定しおいるDiscordの音楜Botの䞀぀です。. Simply input your custom tag, and create a response. Simply input your custom tag, and create a response. Use the same steps as when creating your first bot to create this one. 片方だけの束葉杖の䜿い方. I have been looking for a bot that does this for AGES. Simply input your custom tag, and create a response. ケヌブルストリッパヌの皮類ず䜿い方 ケヌブルの倖装被芆を剥くのに䟿利 電気工具 2019. Free, no-code discord bot creator. Make new members feel welcome with announcements messages when they join. Make new members feel welcome with announcements messages when they join. Instagramで新芏リヌチが取れる「リヌルの䜿い方完党ガむド」を無料配垃䞭. Get server info, news and more with BotGhost's custom discord commands. Once there, click on the New Application button. This will show who used the command and what command triggered the response. Get server info, news and more with BotGhost's custom discord commands. This will give a different amount of XP basing on the time in seconds the user has. Maintaining the Quality of your Personal InformationAPI Request actions allow you to run a request when the action is executed. 開発環境GoogleColab. mkIIの䜿い方を調べおいおこちらにたどり着きたした。 input1ずinput2を同時に録音する方法はありたすか 私はmacのgaragebandで録音しおいるのですが、むンプットが1もしくは2のどちらかしか遞択できたせん。 もしご存知でしたら教えお頂きたいで. The available variables in your command-builder or event-builder may vary depending on the action, custom variables you have, API requests you use, and the event you might be using in case you are using the event builder. 10. 2021幎7月6日より、iOS版の「Rakuten Link」の音声通話の着信ずSMSの送受信に関する仕様が䞀郚倉曎され. 基本的な䜿い方は以䞊です。. There’s definitely not security issues though, and the best way to make custom stuff is still to code it :/. スポンサヌリンク. 興味のある方よろしければ最埌たでご芧ください。 泚意するこず. Create your own discord bot in 5 minutes with no coding required. サルカンスむベルの皮類ず遞び方 正しい䜿い方ずおすすめの簡単なサルカンの結び方. We strive to answer these tickets personally within 48h on business days, weekends may take longer. Create your own discord bot in 5 minutes with no coding required. どのようなbotを远加すればいいのか迷いたすが、botは䜕床でも远加&削陀が行えるので気軜に利甚できるでしょう。. Choose from over 300 commands to enable. Select from variables to make your bot feel more human and personable. Free, no-code discord bot creator. Click the Bot Switcher drop-down in the top right-hand corner of your dashboard or your bot's profile picture in the left-hand side menu to add another bot to your account. 電工ペンチずいう工具をご存知ですか。圧着ペンチずも呌ばれ、配線工事に䞍可欠な端子の圧着を行う工具です。電工ペンチの機胜はそれだけではありたせん。圧着䜜業に付随するさたざた䜜業を行う䞇胜工具ず蚀えたす。そんな電工・圧着ペンチの機胜や䜿い方を詳しく解説したす。䜿い方は前回の蚘事参照。 『お任せ曎新』をポチるだけだけど。解析枈みの堎合。 ポむント # SoftCas泚意事項 順番に曞き換えが必芁。䞀床曞き換えたら保存するこず。 鍵はこ↓こ↑か5chぞ。もしくは解錠枈みをDLしお眮き換え。こんにちは今回は、日本語に察応しおいる倚機胜Botである「結月 -ゆづき-」以䞋結月の䜿い方等を玹介しおいきたす。 結月っおたず䜕 結月は、Discordずいうゲヌマヌ向けチャットアプリをもっず䟿利にするためのBotです。結月のキャ. 䜿い方. Select from variables to make your bot feel more human and personable. Do you meet the above requirements and wish to assist our community and BotGhost? Complete the Community Support Application below, and you could be one of our new Community Support members! Being a Community Support member comes with special perks 👀. Step 1: Command Setup. Get server info, news and more with BotGhost's custom discord commands. 画像加工ツヌルずしおのCanvaの䜿い方はずっおも簡単. Design your own commands. For the safety of your bot token you can use {TOKEN_SECRET} in the HTTP. Free, no-code discord bot creator. Select from variables to make your bot feel more human and personable. Setup your own text, embed and random commands. Simply input your custom tag, and create a response. Select from variables to make your bot feel more human and personable. 今床はナビ道案内機胜を䜿っおみたしょう。. 最初はmame. There are 9 commands which come with the module, by default all are enabled. Open the Discord app on your mobile device. どうも、音猫です 今回はりェブフックを利甚したDiscord䞊で時間を知らせおくれる時報botを䜜っおいきたす コピペで䜜れたす 必芁なもの Googleアカりント Discordアカりント 䜜り方 たずはGASでコヌドを曞いおいきたしょう たずは仕組みを理解しよう (飛ばしおもいいですが、読むず理解が. Open comment sort options. Design your own commands. ①必芁最䜎限の組み合わせ【マットレス→敷きパッド】. Thank you so much for making this bot! (It is a bit difficult to set up, but I figured it out): @AutoDelete#6949 start [Mesages before deletion] [Time period] [Messages before deletion] = A message will be deleted after a certain amount of messages are sent. Using BotGhosts Custom Command Builder you can create some amazing commands to help streamline any task. Get server info, news and more with BotGhost's custom discord commands. Once on the dashboard, on the left hand side of the dashboard menu, locate "Invite" and click on the piece of text: You'll then be redirected to the default discord authorization page. Make new members feel welcome with announcements messages when they join. WordPressの䜿い方を知りたい方は、䞋蚘の蚘事を参考にしおみおください。 【2023幎最新】WordPressの䜿い方を培底解説 初心者でもわかる簡単講座 ※こちらの蚘事の内容は動画でも解説しおいたす。釣り名人の皮類ず䜿い方 狭い隙間や間仕切りの远加配線に䟿利 電気工具 2018. Create announcements for. 【2023幎完党版】動く壁玙!? 『Wallpaper Engine』䜿い方をたずめおみた! こんにちはすふぁんです。. Lavalink. 1. This action can only be used on premium bots. Select from variables to make your bot feel more human and personable. Managing voice channels on your Discord server has never been easier with BotGhost's custom events, learn how to make a Temporary Voice Channel system. We want to make sure everyone using and interacting with BotGhost follows all of Discord's Guidelines, therefore you are required to follow Discord's Guidelines when using BotGhost. Make new members feel welcome with announcements messages when they join. Select from variables to make your bot feel more human and personable. Get server info, news and more with BotGhost's custom discord commands. Simply input your custom tag, and create a response. Create announcements for. Make new members feel welcome with announcements messages when they join. Design your own commands. Simply input your custom tag, and create a response. Step 4. 革を染色するのは難しそうに感じたすが意倖ず簡単にできたす。. BotGhost cannot be found in the Google Play Store or the Apple Store but you can install a BotGhost PWA application via the website. You can manage giveaways from your BotGhost dashboard or directly from your server through a bot command. Create announcements for. Create your own discord bot in 5 minutes with no coding required. Simply input your custom tag, and create a response. JavPlayer は. It also automatically. In order to protect your Personal Information we may require identification from you before releasing the requested information. Create announcements for. 募集に参加したいずきは、募集の巊偎に衚瀺されおいる番号に続けお「参加」ず曞いお䞋さい。 参加キャンセル 7. Get server info, news and more with BotGhost's custom discord commands. /roblox-verify: Depending on the 'Button or Command' setting, this command will start the verification when the user runs it or it will post the button message in the channel the command was ran in for users to click to start the verification process. How to Create a Discord Ticket Bot with BotGhost. Setup your own text, embed and random commands. By logging in to the Discord account, the user will automatically join the BotGhost Server on Discord. Simply input your custom tag, and create a response. . Get server info, news and more with BotGhost's custom discord commands. 準備. Design your own commands. Setup your own text, embed and random commands. Use the code FQBIAN for a 30% discount on all premium subscriptions!! 🔗 Thanks. The positive trust score is based on an automated analysis of 40 different data sources we checked online such as the technology used, the location of the company, other websites found on the same web server, etcetera. Send Announcements to the server. First you'll need to head on over to your BotGhost Dashboard. Get server info, news and more with BotGhost's custom discord commands. りェブショップはこちら. Create announcements for. 既に䜿い方の䟋が出おいたすが、 "nslookup -type=[レコヌドタむプ]" で知りたいレコヌドタむプの情報を取埗できたす。-typeを入れないず IP アドレスフォヌマットなら "A レコヌド"、FQDNフォヌマットなら "PTR レコヌド" ずしお探玢されたす。 DiscordはBOTを利甚するこずでより䟿利に楜しく䜿うこずができるようになりたす。DiscordでのBOTの入れ方が分からない、知りたいずいう人向けに、DiscordのサヌバヌぞのBOTの入れ方ずしお、導入方法や䜿い方に぀いお解説しおいきたす。 HerokuずGithubを䜿いたす。 100時間の制限があるず曞きたしたが、別に月初めから100時間埌には䜿えなくなるずいうわけではないです。 自分がbotにメッセヌゞを送っおリアクションしおもらった時に100時間分の数分を䜿うっおだけなので、botが皌働しおるだけ. アプリで 「PCで単語垳デヌタを䜜成」→「カヌド䜜成ファむルの雛型をダりンロヌド」 を遞択. 名詞+and+名詞 (22) Justin and Joe are good friends. Make new members feel welcome with announcements messages when they join. Simply input your custom tag, and create a response. Adding things like /add, /remove and claim features to a ticket channel is super handy to organise your in-server support system. 「ドラむブに保存」 を遞択. By submitting a 'Billing & Subscription Support Ticket' you can receive support in a private space, and all communications will be sent directly to your email inbox. 「むンスタ」の愛称で芪したれおいるSNS、Instagramむンスタグラム。. Create a Channel in the server. To do so, you'll need to edit the "Settings. 「botの䜿い方が分からない 」 「この機胜远加しお欲しい 」 「䞍具合があるから報告したい 」等 サポヌトサヌバヌ メヌルアドレス コマンドで送信 からお問い合わせを受け付けおいたす 可胜な限り、早急に返信したすBy doing the following steps, you will be able to connect your bot with BotGhost, turn it online, and run commands. How to create a Discord Ticket Tools Bot with BotGhost. 【寝具メヌカヌ盎䌝. Select from variables to make your bot feel more human and personable. BotGhost max 新しいボットを簡単に䜜成できたす。 プログラミングの知識は必芁ありたせん。すべおの蚭定は芖芚的なコマンドず倖出先での構成です。 BotGhostは、既存のDiscordボットを䜜成および远加する機胜の䞡方を提䟛したす。 今回はdiscordサヌバヌの荒らし方を解説したしたサヌバヌが飛んだので新しくしたした。リンク1:. The automod must be enabled in order to function. Setup your own text, embed and random commands. Simply input your custom tag, and create a response. soudblox • 3 yr. 前曞き. 1新しいボットの䜜成. 皆さんはご自身のパ゜コンのデスクトップ背景を倉曎したこずがありたすか. 5 Turbo - GPT 4 software. Get server info, news and more with BotGhost's custom discord commands. To being creating your Discord Bot, head over to the discord developer portal to create a new application. ②䞀般的な組み合わせ【マットレス→敷きパッドorベッドパッド→ベッド. Any changes and modifications. ずにかくパネルの䜿いやすさもそうですが、ボタンの数が豊富でボタン䞀぀で自由自圚です。. Select from variables to make your bot feel more human and personable. 音声ファむルの文字起こしテキスト. bot studio for discord. Setup your own text, embed and random commands. 募集を開始するずきは「募集内容@募集人数」ず曞いお䞋さい。 時間を含めるず、時間指定で募集を開始できたす。 参加. Setup your own text, embed and random commands. Create custom commands to personalize your bot! Automatically send timed messages to your server. Get server info, news and more with BotGhost's custom discord commands. Managing voice channels on your Discord server has never been easier with BotGhost's custom events, learn how to make a Temporary Voice Channel system. To open the BotGhost server, click on the BotGhost server icon from the left-side panel: Next, click on the “ Skip ” button to skip the survey: Lastly, press the “ Finish ” button to start using the. May 10, 2023·1. pyは同じ階局、openj-talkはCドラむブ盎䞋にあるものずしたコヌドです。 最埌に. You can then use the returned information in your custom commands and events by referencing the data 'variables' respective to the data you wish to extract. Use the code FQBIAN for a 30% discount on all premium subscriptions!! 🔗. マットレスの正しい䜿い方. Select from variables to make your bot feel more human and personable. 1-2. Create announcements for. Free, no-code discord bot creator. Select from variables to make your bot feel more human and personable. Creating a ticket tools bot for Discord can be incredibly useful when you have a ticket system. Get server info, news and more with BotGhost's custom discord commands. Get server info, news and more with BotGhost's custom discord commands. Setup your own text, embed and random commands. API Requests allow you to access and interact with the resources of another server outside of BotGhost. Make new members feel welcome with announcements messages when they join. Select from variables to make your bot feel more human and personable. Send Announcements to the server. Simply input your custom tag, and create a response. Select from variables to make your bot feel more human and personable. Create announcements for. Setup your own text, embed and random commands. The Send a message to a channel action allows you to have your bot respond with a message send to a specific channel chosen. Google Meetグヌグルミヌトで無料ビデオ䌚議その手順ず䜿い方を解説したす 無線LANの䞭継機を買っお自宅のネット環境をサクサクにしおみた タッチタむピングを習埗するための「ゆるい」ロヌ. How to create a Discord Ticket Tools Bot with BotGhost. Discordのおすすめ音楜Bot2. 【完党版】discordディスコヌドアプリの䜿い方 Discordはゲヌマヌのために䜜られた無料のボむスチャットサヌビスです。 しかし、ゲヌマヌでなくおも普段から利甚できる点ずしおさたざたな人に名前が知られおきおいるこずもあり、ゲヌマヌは. While it is definitely not the best way to create discord bots, I’d say it’s quite solid. BotGhost Dashboard BotGhost Discord Bot Maker Tutorial #1 - Creating Your Bot. Design your own commands. Get server info, news and more with BotGhost's custom discord commands. testforコマンドは こんな颚に/testfor <セレクタヌ> (<>は実際には入力したせん)ずいう構文で曞きたす。. Send Announcements to the server. Select from variables to make your bot feel more human and personable. bat 」をコピヌし、デスクトップに䞀時的に保存しおおきたす。 次にフォルダを適圓なずころに䜜りたす。名前は「fortran」ずでもしおおきたしょう。写真を撮るずきには「光」の䜿い方も倧きなポむント。䞋の2枚の写真を比べるず、光が入る䜍眮によっお写真の印象が党く異なるこずがわかりたす。 「巊偎は、被写䜓の斜め埌ろから光が入る『斜逆光』で撮圱したもの。陰圱ができるので、被写䜓を立䜓. Step 2. 反埩 (リピヌト)モヌドのコマンドブロックに入力するコマンド. 1. read_bot. C:\open_jtalk\binの「read_bot. Click on the blue 'edit subscription' button. TextToSpeechを利甚するこずでAndroidでも音声合成が利甚可胜です。. We warmly welcome you to the BotGhost Documentation! Here at the BotGhost documentation you can find all the information you might need while creating your own custom BotGhost bot! Located on the left, there is a table of contents which you can browse to find guides with the module you need. ModMail is a feature-rich Discord bot designed to enable your server members to contact staff easily. Simply input your custom tag, and create a response. Get server info, news and more with BotGhost's custom discord commands. 5 ロヌプリヌルの皮類ず䜿い方 長いロヌプを収玍 電気工具 2019. Create a channel. Being used in production by FredBoat, Dyno, LewdBot, and more. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments about BotGhost's security at [admin@botghost. Select from variables to make your bot feel more human and personable. Once clicked, it will ask you to log into your Discord account to connect. Click this page's New Bot button to start a new bot. Select from variables to make your bot feel more human and personable. 4. All variables and options can be used in the content of the reply. Setup your own text, embed and random commands. Monthly Unlimited Bots: The Monthly Unlimited Bots plan is $49. Simply input your custom tag, and create a response. Remember to click "Save"! Getting Started - Previous. BotGhost uses dot notation to access the individual responses to the inputs of the form. the easiest way to make discord bots. BotGhost hosts and manages your bot using Amazon's secure and trusted 'AWS' server infrastructure. 2. 1. Make new members feel welcome with announcements messages when they join. Design your own commands. 久々の線集か぀初めおの圢匏の動画なので、倚少の粗さは蚱しおけろ高評䟡ずベルマヌクの通知登録はしなくおいいのでチャンネル登録だけでも. Free, no-code discord bot creator. How to Contact us. Make sure you are logged into the Discord account that you want the Active Developer Badge on. Glitch ゚ディタ搭茉で、線集したら自動で反映しおくれるので非垞に簡単 䞀定時間経぀ず停止しおしたうから、起動したたたにするにはuptimerobotのようなサヌビスず組み合わせる必芁がある 今たで比范的寛容であったが、6月22日の芏玄改定で䜿甚制限を回避. Simply input your custom tag, and create a response. To generate a key with OpenAI, click the Personal dropdown in the top left of the screen and then click View API Keys in that menu. 以䞋に、Python 蚀語を䜿甚し、Discord API ラむブラリである discord. On this new. Send a message to a channel. Create your own discord bot in 5 minutes with no coding required. This action can only be used on premium bots. Send Announcements to the server. Get server info, news and more with BotGhost's custom discord commands. 31よお、ドラゎン桜の桜朚建二だ。この蚘事では英語の熟語「I wonder  . . These variables could come in the form of the users name, the server name or the role of a user. The automod must be enabled in order to function. Official BotGhost Discord server • Create your own FREE Discord bot in less than 5 minutes with no coding required! 👻 | 125791 members. We don't follow the json syntax here and only define everything. Get server info, news and more with BotGhost's custom discord commands. BotGhostは、既存のDiscordボットを䜜成たたは远加するための䞡方のオプションを提䟛したす。 2. Get server info, news and more with BotGhost's custom discord commands. BotGhostを䜿甚したす. Make new members feel welcome with announcements messages when they join. Get server info, news and more with BotGhost's custom discord commands. Simply input your custom tag, and create a response. たず、Discord Developer Portal にアクセスしお Bot を登録. 珟圚ではたくさんのDiscord botが開発されおいたす。. たた、「かっこ」の䞭には. Create announcements for. You will then be shown the options for the Action. Simply input your custom tag, and create a response. Make sure you are logged into the Discord account that you want the Active Developer Badge on. Send Announcements to the server. Click on Trigger a Custom Event to add the BotGhost IFTTT Action to your Applet. Instead on and off, these use add and remove (since there can be multiple role counters (30)). Discord Guidelines. Send Announcements to the server. Send Announcements to the server. Make new members feel welcome with announcements messages when they join. Setup your own text, embed and random commands. A PWA (Progressive Web Apps) is an application that is pretending to be an app and can be installed on all devices; a laptop, desktop, tablet or a mobile phone. andは語ず語、句ず句、節ず節、文ず文などを結ぶこずができる。 以䞋、語ず語のたずたりを䞭心に、andの構造別の䜿い方を芋おいこう。 3-1. Get server info, news and more with BotGhost's custom discord commands. Automatically assign roles to users when they join your server. Step 1: Command Setup. Setup your own text, embed and random commands. . BotGhost will not charge any fee for your access request, but may charge an administrative fee for providing a copy of your Personal Information. bot䜜成を䟝頌する(䞀番楜な方法ですが、基本お金がかかりたす。無料でしおいるずころもありたすが、䜜成たでに時間がかなりかかりたす。Head over to the Auto-Role module and scroll down to Membership Verification. Design your own commands. Make new members feel welcome with announcements messages when they join. Select from variables to make your bot feel more human and personable. To get there, we need to head on over to the Custom commands module. 1新しいボットの䜜成. 25 ledヘッドラむトの修理 電気工具 2019. Simply input your custom tag, and create a response. 27 タップハンドルの皮類ず䜿い方 タップを取付けおネゞ山を調敎 電気工具 2020. Simply input your custom tag, and create a response. 他にもオクトパッシングで䜿うタコスむベルや. ロルバヌン手垳を旅行甚手垳ずしお䜿う20ヶ囜40回以䞊旅しおいるトラベラヌの䜿い方. Making reaction roles on Discord mobile typically involves using a bot that supports mobile platforms, such as BotGhost. Simply input your custom tag, and create a response. 䜜り方は、コマンド・プロンプトで実行しお”-createconfig”オプションを. A Discord Nitro Free Alternative. たず、Discord Developer Portal にアクセスしお Bot を登録. 斧の特性. Setup your own text, embed and random commands. BotGhost cannot be found in the Google Play Store or the Apple Store but you can install a BotGhost PWA application via the website. Make new members feel welcome with announcements messages when they join. Managing voice channels on your Discord server has never been easier with BotGhost's custom events, learn how to make a Temporary Voice Channel system. Make new members feel welcome with announcements messages when they join. 新しいBingの先行. Make new members feel welcome with announcements messages when they join. Make new members feel welcome with announcements messages when they join. Setup your own text, embed and random commands. 革の颚合いを埩掻させたい人は、ぜひ読み進めおみおください。. Simply input your custom tag, and create a response. This will be considered your "BotGhost account. 皆様初めたしお、ねるず申したす 今回は普段䜿いの鯖や、カスタムや倧䌚等の鯖を䜜るずきにお圹に立おる情報をお教えいたしたす。 「鯖を䜜りたかったら、新芏䜜成しお敎えればよくない」 普段䜿いなら良いかもですが、カスタムや倧䌚専甚ずなるずそうもいきたせん。運営する以䞊. Make new members feel welcome with announcements messages when they join. com - Top 71 botghost. Click the Add Section in Then That and choose BotGhost. Questions: support@botghost. Setup your own text, embed and random commands. おそ. All variables and options can be used in the content of the reply. 今回玹介し. Simply input your custom tag, and create a response. Free, no-code discord bot creator. Suggest changes. a drag and drop editor makes it simple to create the perfect bot for your servers, no coding required! Moz DA: 17 Moz Rank: 3. できるこずずしたしおは曲の. Corel PaintShop Pro の䜿い方を孊べるようには、[ヘルプ] やビデオを芋る、[ラヌニング センタヌ] パレットを䜿甚する、たたは [Corel ガむド] にアクセスする、Corel Web サむト (でヒントやチュヌトリアル、トレヌニング情報にアクセスする、などの方法. The variable always follows the format of the form name followed by the input variable. DiscordのProbotの䜿い方ず党コマンド・機胜を解説 コミュニティのサむズが倧きくなっおきお管理を自動化したいず考えおいたすか DiscordのProbotを䜿うず招埅時メッセヌゞや特定の投皿に察する自動返信を行. Firstly, head over to your settings page in the discord app/site. Here you can edit this command to your liking or add to existing features that come with the module. Once on the add command page, you will get a drop-down menu where you select a command you have made with your bot(s). Get server info, news and more with BotGhost's custom discord commands.